• The Japanese breed is quite famous among dog lovers. This is because of its amazing characteristics, unique history, and strong cultural importance. These dogs are more than just your adorable companion; with their unique behavior, these cute bundles of joy…

  • You may feed your fur babies a proper diet, but it may not be enough for them since they also require an extra dose of nutrition to maintain their health. In such situations, diet and exercise might not be enough. Many…

  • Every pet owner has that one fear of losing their fur and feline babies. On average, they live around 8-10 years. These are the only time to make the best memories with your loved ones.  But there is some good…

  • Cat owners often deal with unwanted hair from their felines in their homes and on their furniture. This hair can be quite a hassle and create a mess around the home. The shedding of a cat depends on its species,…

  • Your furbabies tend to have one habit, which is licking. But what makes this habit even more weird is that dog keep licking your stuff. The habit of licking is their way of communicating and interacting. As they are born,…

  • When your mind thinks of the webbed legs, the ducks may come into your mind. But the surprising thing is that there are the dogs that have webbed legs. Dogs with webbed feet are breeds that were historically used for…

  • Have you ever seen cats have slitted eyes in their pupils? These are open for the remarkable ability that makes them unique. These pupils are from the adaptation to exceptional vision in low light conditions. These slits are more than…

  • When you are around your dogs, you might have noticed their noses dripping. Sometimes you wonder, why does dogs nose drip? Well, there is a practical reason for that. The nose is its major sense organ and plays a crucial…

  • Dog owners can relate to finding their dogs’ hair in every corner of the house. It is a headache during shedding season. But the dogs’ shedding types are different. Their types affect how much hair these beautiful dogs shed.So, let…

  • Many cat owners might get scared when they notice their cat nose dry. Unlike dogs, cats’ noses can naturally fluctuate between wet and dry throughout the day.  There are different ways to keep the medication out of the cat’s nose…